What to wear, when to wear it, important links, and other important information for new and current cadets
Training resources
Additional resources and references for cadets, including guides for instructors and more.
Sign-up for CF One Card
Cadets now have access to the Canadian Forces One Card program, offering them incredible rewards, discounts and services delivered by the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services.
Cadet365 is a collaborative platform for cadets and staff. Though Cadet365, cadets can access email, a Microsoft Teams channel for the Squadron, and numerous official resources.
Calendar and events
Where to find our training calendar, upcoming dates, and other information.
What to wear, when and how
Dress regulations and more information about what to wear, when to wear, and how to wear it for new and current cadets.
More resources and links
Cadet Program policies and guidelines
Links to CANCADETGENs, Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs), Group Orders, Group Instructions and more.
Help and support links
For those who may be looking for help and support through difficult circumstances.
Air Cadet League of Canada National Webpage
All about the civilian partner who works with the Canadian Armed Forces to support and deliver the Air Cadet Program to youth across Canada.
Air Cadet League of Canada Nova Scotia Provincial Committee
Official webpage for the Nova Scotia Provincial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada.